Thursday, August 20, 2009


Wow, what a day! After yet another l-o-o-o-n-g inservice meeting, followed by a quick lunch at my desk and a short couple of hours scrambling to get things finished, the year has finally begun! Carver had it's Meet the Teacher "night" this afternoon. I LOVE this day! It's so much fun seeing my students come back. Their little faces are always excited, and it's fun for us and the parents to watch them run and explore. This year I have some repeating students, some new students, and some that have moved on and into general ed. That is always especially exciting. They always come visit us, after they've visited their new classroom. I love to hear them talk about how now they're big kids! We also have a motor lab this year, that is conjoined with my room. We will have way to much fun in there! I like Meet the Teacher night so much that I joined Maddy, Beck, and Eric for theirs at Blanco Vista as well. Beck and Eric are in the same class, and our old friend Jude is across the hall. I wish all 4 of them the best year ever!

Monday, August 10, 2009


My mom is on Facebook. No worries, I'm still holding out. She is on it all the time. It's crazy. She has become like all my crazy friends, and has a one track, facebook mind. :P

Goodbye, Summer.....

I woke up this morning singing. It wasn't joyous singing, but the opening song to Grease 2. "I gotta go back, back, back to school again..." (Be glad this is the internet, and you can't actually hear me!) For me, summer is officially over. Teachers started back today, while the lucky kiddos have 2 more weeks. I always look forward to the start of a new school year (such promise!), but always mourn the loss of long, bright, empty days. I try to pretend like it's not really over, filling any spare time with trips to water parks and theme parks. So, if anyone is up to a trip to Fiesta Texas or Schlitterbahn, give me a call! To my fellow teachers (congrats, Erin!) welcome back! This year will be the best one yet!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Not Easy Tryin' To Be Green, Either

I have a complaint against our wonderful baggers at the local HEB. Before anyone strikes me dead, I realize this is not against ALL baggers, and that most are quite brilliant at the job. Unfortunately, those are not the ones who bag my groceries most of the time.
I have been using reuseable bags since the first edition ones came out several years ago. I give them as gifts even. My question is why do we use them, if the bagger puts almost every single item in it's own plastic sack before placing it in the reusable bag? I understand meat, no complaints there. I can vauguely understand cleaners (although I believe the odds of them exploding in the four block drive back to the house pretty small). But a pie crust? How will the thin plastic sack protect it from the evils of the world? Vegetables, that are already in their own veggie plastic sack (which I reuse as trash sacks as I cook)? Cereal, for heavens sake? Seriously?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prayers and Praises!

God is so great! A good friend of mine has a mother in law who is dire need of your prayers. She is first on the list for a new liver, and needs it yesterday. On Sunday I recieved an update that she was not doing well, and things were very worrisome. I prayed, my friends prayed, my family prayed. Multiply that times all their friends and family - it's safe to say there was a lot of prayer involved! Well, if you ever wonder if prayer works, think of her! I just got an update that she has taken a turn for the better, and the doctors still believe she has a very good chance. Yay! Please continue to pray for her, that a liver comes in quickly. Also, please pray for their family, they could use the support right now.